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Lyla’s Story

Lyla serves as a business analyst with an ASX listed software solutions company, leveraging her chartered accountancy background and prior experience with a major accounting firm. Her role involves technical advisory, guiding clients through software requirements, and collaborating with sales and marketing teams.

Outside of work, Lyla's diverse passions include culinary arts and painting, which she enjoys exploring during her free time. Transitioning to remote work has provided Lyla with a healthier work-life balance, enabling her to nurture family relationships and pursue personal interests.

Reflecting on her journey, Lyla appreciates the supportive remote environment, which emphasises individual growth and responsibility. Comparing her experience to her previous role at a Big Four firm, Lyla notes the increased autonomy and personal growth opportunities that have shaped her professional identity. She credits her current role for instilling strong work ethics and discipline, which have been instrumental in her career development.